Court Remanded Community Service

Individuals looking to complete court remanded community service (including pretrial or student conduct cases) are able to do so at one of our two ReStore locations.

Here’s what you need to know:

How do I set up doing community service at the ReStores?

First, verify that you are eligible for our program. Our program is open to individuals with misdemeanor charges that are neither theft-related nor violence-related. Our program is also open to those with traffic violations.

Next, please contact one of our stores using the information provided by your P.O. to confirm that the store is accepting community service workers.

When can I complete my hours?

The Community Service program runs on a first-come, first-served basis as opposed to a schedule sign-up basis. There is no ability to reserve shifts ahead of time. On an average day, we have capacity to have 3-4 individuals completing CS work; however, this is subject to change.

Both stores are open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM. We require that folks work for at least four hours at a stretch for their community service.

Where are your stores located?

What do I need for my first day of community service?

Please be mindful of the four-hour minimum and the first-come, first-served schedule when planning your time to do community service. In addition, you’ll need the following:

For a full list of Community Service Program Policies, please click here.

Para obtener una lista completa de las políticas del programa de servicio comunitario, haga clic aquí.